13 Tips For Employers Looking To Hire Fresh Talent

The best time to capture talent is right after they graduate. Hiring promising grad talent is a good strategy to bring in fresh, innovative ideas, which has worked out for several corporate giants.

However, as with all techniques for growing a business’s talent pool, it comes with its own pitfalls, and making a wrong hire can have severe consequences for an organization. Companies need this new blood to continue providing top quality services and products for their clients. But how does a company ensure that it lands the best talent to fit its existing ideals?

These 13 experts from Forbes Human Resources Council share their best tips to help a business narrow down the potential rising talent pool into the best fit for the company.

1. Lead With Culture

Today’s grads have choices and care about more than just titles and salaries. As an employer, it’s important to lead with culture and promote the work climate. What’s a typical day like? Do colleagues spend time with each other outside of work? Is a healthy work-life balance encouraged? Grads want a safe place to land after college and that means loving their job and wanting to come into work! – Polina Wilson, Unruly ®

2. Follow The Metrics

That means study your effectiveness. Recruit at schools that produce not only the type of candidates you want, but also where people have been successful and have remained within your organization. Target schools that you can realistically recruit from and be aware of where your competition is targeting, as well. Gen Z is better educated than any in history, but they have choices. – Russell Klosk, Accenture

3. Hire For Soft Skills

Hire for soft skills and train on the hard skills. Providing your employees with development and growth opportunities is not just a selling point for new grads, it also increases overall employee retention. It’s a win-win. – Jenna Hinrichsen, Advanced RPO

4. Establish Value-Add Relationships

Establish value-add relationships with the schools you’re targeting top grad talent from. Create opportunities for your leader, SMEs, etc. to volunteer their time toward value-add offerings such as complimentary job-search/career-planning sessions that can be held throughout the school years and/or at their career fairs. This will build trust and brand equity for your employer brand. – Bryan Passman, Hunter + Esquire

5. Showcase Your Top Talent Stories

Create short video bites of why your top talent loves working for your company. Showcase how internships have fostered full-time careers which in turn are fueled by continuous learning opportunities. Recent graduates offer myriad accomplishments. Assess new hires on top three grad accomplishments that jive with your company’s values. Use career stories to whet and net the right talent. – Jay Polaki, HR Geckos

6. Strengthen Your Internship Program

Internships are well known for fostering robust talent pipelines regardless of type, location or industry, but that’s not all. These programs also offer candidates hands-on opportunities to work in their desired field before committing. This allows both candidates and employers to “try before you buy,” which can reduce long-term operational and financial impacts related to vacancies or turnover. – Dr. Timothy J. Giardino, BMC Software

7. Look For Signs Of Excellence

Recent graduates don’t always have the opportunity to attain experience in a professional setting. When hiring, look for signs of excellence in at least one discipline, which is usually academic success in their chosen areas of study. Alternatively, look to athletic accomplishments or any other indication of putting in sustained effort and achieving results. – Rachel Lyubovitzky, EverythingBenefits

8. Consider Work Experience While In School

There is a tremendous value that new employees gain from their first work experience, whether a part-time role, summer internship, or a job unrelated to their field of study. While many may be new to the 9-to-5 career, students who have financially supported themselves through their schooling have already stress-tested their ability to overcome challenges and succeed. – Erald Minga, Kellogg School of Management

9. Look For These Willing To Learn On The Job

When considering recent grads, companies should prioritize candidates who have taken it upon themselves to research the role and have demonstrated an eagerness to learn on the job. Look for honesty and transparency in the hiring process — they may not have experience in a specific area, but they should be open about it and confident they can learn what they need to in order to succeed. – Laura Spawn, Virtual Vocations, Inc.

10. Offer Training And Promotion Opportunities

New grads have spent the last year or two anxiously awaiting the day they will join the workforce. Though they’ll be starting from square one, they’re looking for more than just a cubicle and a paycheck. Employers hoping to attract recent grads must be able to show what training opportunities are available to them, how these can lead to future promotions and how their work can impact the company. – John Feldmann, Insperity

11. Start Sooner Than Graduation

Top talent can be seen early in the college career. Companies need to be open to internships starting in a student’s second year, then bring them back for summers following. Don’t be afraid to offer a job for an entry-level role at the end of their last internship with you. Many companies do this and it gets them the talent they want early and creates an invested new employee. – Kelly Loudermilk, BuildHR, Inc.

12. Consider Personality, Too

Look at behavioral fit with the organization as much as current skills. Skill needs will continue to fluctuate; however, personality traits tend not to change at the same pace, if at all. So ensuring a good behavioral fit will enable better two-way engagement, a swifter start and will likely ensure a greater tenure. – Paul Phillips, Avanade

13. Check Out Technical Bootcamps

Another great place to find new talent is from technical bootcamps. These programs are usually looking for mentors and teachers, so create a volunteer program for your team. Your employees will be ambassadors for your organization, get management experience and get to personally know the students. These grads will then be familiar and excited about your company and anxious to apply to open roles! – Jessica Adams, Brad’s Deals

Article Provided By: Forbes

Job-seekers and Employers, if you would like to discuss how OpSource Staffing Inc. can help you call us at (866) 870-8133 or Contact Us.

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Many office space designers are considering how the change will impact future plans. For years, open office environments have been the trend. Cubicles have been replaced with standing desks, portable partitions and lots of room to roam. While closed offices and cubicles likely won’t return, it’s possible office buildings could transform from daily use facilities to places where meetings and conferences take place. National organizations may also begin opening regional hubs to provide coworking spaces for remote employees to use sporadically instead of congregating regularly in one central location. How Employers Need To Approach Hiring 1. Advertising And Follow-Through Once your team has reviewed which positions will be mission-critical for the remainder of 2020, actively advertise these jobs . A small investment combined with regular candidate follow-through will help eliminate concerns some job seekers have about the longevity of a new position. The first few emails and calls to a candidate help to set the stage for the relationship and establish your company’s culture in their mind. 2. Be Mindful Of Social Media How your organization is responding to the pandemic says a lot about your company’s culture and leadership. Candidates interested in working for your business are often actively following your posts, and their decision to join may be swayed by this content. Work with your social media manager to ensure posts come from a position of strength and positivity. 3. ‘What Have You Been Doing During This Time?’ While it may seem like an unusual question for an interview, the answer can tell volumes about the candidate’s work ethic and how serious they are about advancing their career . Many candidates are using this time to expand their knowledge and boost their skills. As you begin accepting résumés, keep an eye out for any new certifications awarded in 2020. Applicants who have invested in themselves may be a better long-term fit. 4. Establishing A Work-From-Anywhere Policy What once was a perk, the work-from-anywhere (WFA) concept may soon become the standard, and job seekers might consider it a necessity. Businesses that have put solid technology in place with clear WFA policies will likely be in a better position to attract top talent. Fairly soon, competition for candidates will become fierce. A recent Gallup survey found that 54% of office-based professionals would leave their job for one that offered flexible schedules and remote work opportunities. If you haven’t already made WFA part of your long-term business plans, you should consider doing so. 5. A Clear Public Health Plan A question bound to come up during an interview is how your company is helping to keep employees safe. While much of this article has focused on office-based professions, many of Ameri-Force’s employees work in the skilled trades, primarily in our nation’s shipyards. Most of the worksites have implemented rigorous health protocols, including daily temperature checks of all employees, frequent sanitation stations throughout the worksite, staggered shifts to increase social distancing and daily deep cleaning of surfaces. Make sure you’re relaying the steps you’re taking to candidates applying for job openings. 6. Act Quickly With millions of highly skilled Americans actively seeking work, now is the time to attract and retain the best talent. However, don’t wait too long to begin the hiring process. As states have begun to reopen, jobs are being added, and people are getting back to work. If you wait too long to hire, you may miss out on promising candidates who could have made a significant impact on your company. If you’re considering bringing on additional staff, now is the time. Article Provided By: Forbes

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